Saturday, May 23, 2015

Composite Solid

      This is a goldfish box that I saw while shopping at the grocery store. Instead of being the pre-packaged goldfish, it is goldfish in a small milk cartoon like contanier. This is a composite solid because the base of the box is a rectangular prism and top where you open the box is a triangular prism. The shape of this box is certainly not a coincidence. The goldfish company must have been looking for a new way to present their food other than in baggies. The rectangular prism is the crucial part of the structure that holds the goldfish. The triangular prism is there as a way of opening the box. This opening style is similar to a milk cartoon. One has to peel two of the faces back to get it open. Since this item was near the checkout at the grocery store, they acted as a nice "to-go"snack because they are easy to grab and go. The prepackaged bags, on the other hand, are not a composite solid so they are not easy to hold and all of the goldfish are less likely to stay in the bag. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Regular Polygon With More Than 5 Sides

     This is a picture of a pre-cut vegetable container from the grocery store. Obviously the veggies were already eaten, but they were once held in the shape of a regular octagon. A regular polygon means that all sides and angles of the shape are congruent. This vegetable container is a regular octagon because each of the eight sides are the exact same length. Part of the reason for it being constructed this way is for the look. A neat, congruent-sided shape unconsciously appeals much more to the buyer than a blob-shaped container with some carrots in it. This applies to the same logic of a stop sign. Now everyone knows the classic shape of a stop sign is a regular octagon, and they like it that way. If the word stop was printed on a curved and lopsided sign, everyone would think about the unsophistication of that town or city. Also, a regular-shaped vegetable container usually uses the congruent sides as way to divide each veggie. If the place where the ranch was supposed to go acted as the center, then there would be 45 degrees for each veggie. Using a circle concept to divide 360 degrees by 8 sides, the container will have a much more organized look, which will get it purchased faster.